Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a jockey? The video below will show you what a typical day in the life of a jockey looks like and you’ll learn some math along the way.
You will find out the average weight and height of a jockey, that they travel at 42 mph at full speed during a race and receive a minimum mount fee of between $35 – $100 win or lose.
[twocol_one]You’ll learn a jockey’s day starts at:[/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last][/twocol_one_last]
1. What time does a jockey’s day start? Is this a.m. or p.m.?
Hall of Fame jockey Jerry Baily compares two racing saddles.
Time, weight, height, speed, money – there’s lots of math involved in being a jockey.
Ever wondered about how much a racing saddle weighs? You’ll find out in this video.
1. What time does a jockey’s day start? Is this a.m. or p.m.?
Answer: A jockey’s day starts at 5:30 a.m.
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YouTube video