Multilevel Structure of Horse Society Revealed in Drone-based Study

Evidence from a study using drones strongly indicates a multilevel structure in horse society. The study was undertaken in Serra D’Arga, Portugal, where about 200 feral horses live without human care. Researchers involved in the month-long study took aerial photographs of the horses at 30-minute intervals from 9am to 6pm in two specific zones.

Wound-Care Guide

Your horse comes in from the pasture with a gash on his knee. No problem. Your first-aid kit is filled with wound-care options, including plain old iodine and a product that promises to prevent proud flesh. But which one should you use?

‘Hard mouth’ vs. ‘soft mouth’

It is thought that a horse that pulls, leans and in other ways fails to respond quietly to rein pressure is called a ‘hard mouthed horse’, whereas a horse that is light and calmly responsive to rein aids is said to have a ‘soft mouth’. No horse is born with a hard mouth or a…

Can Wolves and Horses Co-exist?

Does the conservation of the species justify the cost to those who have to live alongside a top predator? And from a horse riders’ point of view, does a wolf present a serious threat to an animal as large as a horse? The team from Equine Science Talk International delves into this topic in their…

AQHA Ranching Heritage Young Horse Development Program

The AQHA Ranching Heritage Young Horse Development Program allows AQHYA members to learn the fundamentals of horsemanship and compete for scholarships. The priority deadline to apply for the 2022 AQHA Ranching Heritage Young Horse Development program is August 15, 2021, with a final deadline of October 1, 2021, to apply.

The Best Way to Win a Horse Race? Mathematicians May Have the Answer

Start fast, but save enough energy for a final kick. That’s the ideal strategy to win short-distance horse races, according to the first mathematical model to calculate how horses use up energy in races. The researchers say the approach could be used to identify customized pacing plans that, in theory, would optimize individual horses’ chances…