Is There a Link Between Coat Colour and Behaviour?
The old stereotype of hot-headed chestnut mares is unfounded, according to research. Chestnut horses are no more likely to be naughty than bays, reveals a study carried out in Australia.
The old stereotype of hot-headed chestnut mares is unfounded, according to research. Chestnut horses are no more likely to be naughty than bays, reveals a study carried out in Australia.
Chris Duffy and Falynn Koch have a new American history graphic novel with a bit of a difference. It’s not about the people who settled the land, or those who were there before, but of the horses that also made the journey.
This BBC radio show features a discussion of the origins of horses, the extinction of those in the New World in the Ice Age, and their domestication after crossing the land bridge into Asia.
Researchers measured horses’ facial sensitivity to touch, pressure, and heat. The results could help diagnose cases of equine idiopathic headshaking and improve welfare.
Like most things in horsemanship, catching a tricky horse in pasture is not something you can learn in a few minutes. Similar to horse box (trailer) loading, getting your horse to come to you takes time and finesse.
Views on animal welfare are often based on emotions rather than scientific findings. The assessment of welfare and the well-being of animals is sometimes made by how humans feel when they find animals in certain situations. We need adequate techniques for an objective measurement of animal welfare and associated physiological states.
There is a considerable degree of precision in determining the age of horses, up to about the age of 15. Age determination is made by studying the bottom teeth on the lower jaw, the six front teeth, called incisors.
Western Horseman and Cowboy Artists of America invite you to enter your best drawing or painting in our 2021 youth art contest. All artwork must depict Western horses as the subject. Three age divisions: 8 and under; 9 to 13; and 14 to 18. Entry deadline, Friday, April 30, 2021.
Do less dominant horses get to eat less? Or do they simply spend more time foraging to make up for any shortfalls in eating time?
No other animal walks on a single digit, or toe, making the equine hoof a truly exceptional piece of anatomy. Learn more about the inner workings of your horse’s hoof.