UK Graduate Student Spotlight: Shelley Turner, MS

Coming to the University of Kentucky (UK) Gluck Equine Research Center was a dream come true for Shelley Turner, MS. “Being a horse crazy individual, I have always wanted to come to UK to pursue further education,” Turner said. “To be able to do so at the prestigious Gluck Equine Research Center is the culmination…


Spring has arrived at Spruce Meadows and with it green grass, flowers and three new foals to be featured in their annual Canada-wide Name the Foal contest. This year two fillies and one colt will be left unnamed until September allowing Canadian fans from coast to coast to name the foals!

Is It Wrong To Trim Horse Whiskers?

The French Equestrian Federation (FFE), the umbrella organization for all of the country’s leisure and competition horse and pony activities, has banned the practice of trimming horse whiskers. Vibrissae, the technical term for the long tactile hairs around a horse’s eyes, mouth, and nose, are sensory organs that each have distinct nerve and blood supply.…