Vet uses science to keep horses calm
Gemma teaches vet students to start by putting a hand on a horse’s shoulder, which the horse can often handle more easily, and as soon as it stands still and relaxes, the hand can be removed.
Gemma teaches vet students to start by putting a hand on a horse’s shoulder, which the horse can often handle more easily, and as soon as it stands still and relaxes, the hand can be removed.
Circles, symmetry and horses! The ability of the rising trot to reduce asymmetry in horses moving in a circle has been highlighted in a Swedish study.
Daniel Bluman proposes top riders and trainers create a mentorship program.
The herd currently includes 21 stallions and 61 mares and at least one mare is known to be pregnant at this time.
Whips, spurs, and horse-head-control equipment can be misused by riders and misunderstood by spectators, both of which can have negative outcomes for horses and the industry alike.
The purpose of the program is to teach citizens in other countries how to work with horses through horsemanship seminars and to provide them with horse education materials.
Senior animal science major Jessica Kuyawa ’18 describes her summer experience in Scotland which was funded by a Gilman Scholarship.
Horse Science, Section 3 of the Level 2 Horse Lover’s Math workbook, features 36 pages of horses, math and science for kids who love horses. DL for just $4 Cdn ($3.10 US)!
A Japanese university study suggests regular horse riding can promote intellectual performance and enhanced academic success for young people in education.
Students Grades 5 -8 in Ontario Enter the Youth Literary Derby for a chance to WIN $250 for you and your school! Write about a sweet standardbred foal.