Many people prefer cross breeds, horses with parents from two different breeds. A top event trainer in Germany believes the best horse for eventing is ¾ Thoroughbred and ¼ Warmblood. What do they mean by this? What happens if you breed an Arabian to a Quarter Horse? Half of the foal’s genetic material will be Arabian and half will be Quarter Horse. The foal would be described as a ‘half Arab’ or ‘half Quarter Horse’—and that’s just the beginning!
4 pages plus Answers
Common Core:
4.NF.C.6 – Use decimal notation for fractions with denominators 10 or 100; Model decimals and fractions
5.NBT.A.3 – Model decimals and fractions
6.RP.A.3c – Find a percent of a quantity as a rate per 100.
Barb VanderLaan –
Fantastic way to review concepts they’ve learned before or practice new ones! If you have a horse-loving student, these worksheets are an excellent way to put concepts into “horsey situations” to make them more interesting. Each worksheet comes with several problems (10-15) . Says for 4th – 5th grade which is probably accurate, but I use them as review for my 9th grader. She is not strong in math, and it builds her confidence to review math that she knows already in a life-applicable way! I ordered all of the available worksheets. The author does an excellent job! My favorite homeschool material purchase!!!