Horse Turnout Poll: What is the Reality for Today’s Domesticated Horses?

There is a growing awareness among horse owners about the importance of horses being turned out together. Horses are herd animals. They need social contact. So what is the reality for today’s domesticated horses? What are people’s horse husbandry practices around turnout? Horse Talk – horse husbandry: the science of breeding, rearing, and caring for horses. Although…

Introducing Horses to Spring Grass

Spring is here, and for some lucky horses this means spending time in a pasture eating grass. It is tempting to turn horses out into spring pastures at the first sight of green grass, especially after a long winter. However, spring grazing should be introduced slowly. How do you go about introducing horses to spring grass?…

Caring for Horses’ Feet

Have you heard the expression, “No feet, no horse.”? It means no matter how beautiful or how perfect the rest of a horse may be, without good feet they can’t perform and they can’t exercise. In fact, they can’t really do much of anything. Hooves that are allowed to grow too long not only look bad, they affect the internal…

watering horses in winter

Watering Horses in Winter

Water is one of the most important parts of a horse’s diet, and watering horses in winter can be especially challenging. How do horse owners keep fresh thawed water available to horses when temperatures drop below freezing? 1. What is the freezing temperature of water in °C and °F? 2. If the temperature is 10°F…

How Much Hay is Wasted?

Have you ever had the job of feeding hay to a barn full of horses? A common method of feeding hay to horses is to simply toss flakes of hay on the ground. The horses lower their heads and don’t stop eating until it’s all gone—or trampled into the ground. If you’ve ever mucked out a stall or…

Measure a Horse for a Bridle

This post will show you how to properly measure a horse for a bridle. A snaffle bridle is the simplest kind of bridle for young riders. It is made up of the following different parts: cheek piece 1 (attaches to the crownpiece) crown piece 1a (attaches to the cheekpiece) browband 2 noseband 3 throat latch…

How Much Hay?

Horses in the wild are known to graze for up to 16 hours a day! A horse’s digestive system is designed to deal with large amounts of forage, either grass or hay, eaten slowly over a long period of time. Hay makes up the largest part of a horse’s diet, so it is important to make…