I have had time to visit your website and find your initiative absolutely fascinating.
I love what you’ve done with your program – I wish there was something like this around when I was struggling with math and daydreaming about ponies!
I just visited your site and am very excited about the work you are doing. It is amazing to see the power of the horse. I keep saying, “The horses keep them coming back and as long as they keep coming back, I continue to teach!”
I looked through your website and think it is great and a really wonderful idea. We are always looking for exciting ways to incorporate math into our curriculum and this is a really nice way to do it. I can’t wait to use Horse Lovers Math in the classroom with our girls.
I found your site interesting. I quite love it. I think tapping into a passion can lead to amazing things.
I love this math project using horses. Great Job!!
I am so excited about your approach! I think it is absolutely fabulous . . . I have three children of my own and think that helping them to understand the application of their education is critical.
Really interesting site you have. It’s a great idea to get kids more involved in subjects which they might find less interesting by incorporating their hobby.
My daughter did two “lessons” today from your blog posts and then said “I can’t believe I did math AND learned about horses. It was FUN!” So, I’m glad that I signed her up! This is a great idea and since she hates math and loves horses I see this as a win-win. 🙂
Horse Lover’s Math has helped me recognize how important math is and also has made math much more fun!