Barrel racing is a popular event in which a horse and rider attempt to complete a clover leaf pattern around three carefully positioned barrels in the fastest time.
Recently, the National Barrel Horse Association Youth World Championships took place in Perry, Georgia. Participants numbered over 1,000 in the teen division (13 and over) and approximately 700 in the youth division (12 and under). The contestants ran for over $200,000 in cash and prizes.
Contestants must qualify each year in their respective states to compete in the NBHA Youth World Championships. They qualify on a local level by competing at NBHA-sanctioned shows, NBHA National shows, Super shows, or state show events.
The event is the largest barrel race in the world, and showcases riders from 36 states, Canada, Italy, Panama, Brazil, France, Puerto Rico, Mexico and Australia.
The youth final results had Rylee Elliott riding Wee Feelin Special in first place with a time of 14.69 seconds.
1. What is the place value of the red-coloured digit?
2. What is the place value of the number 9 in 14.69?
Math Talk: place value – the value of a digit depending on its place in a number.
Second place went to Katherine Williamson and her horse Eternal Gold Rush with a time of 14.754 seconds.
3. How much faster was Rylee and Wee Feelin Special than Katherine and Eternal Gold Rush?
Georgia-Florida Youth Rodeo Association Finals
Third place went Gage Davis on Pocahontas Native in a time of 14.79 seconds.
Fourth place was Riley Preston and Speeding Locomotion who crossed the finish line in 14.818 seconds.
4. What was the difference in time between the 3rd and 4th place finishers?
Fifth was Shana Miller on Jet N’ Dance in a time of 14.981 and sixth place was Austyn Tobey on LGR Webbs Pride with a time of 15.001.
5. In either time, what is the place value of the number 1 to the right of the decimal point?
6. How much faster did Shana and Jet N’ Dance complete the course than Austyn and LGR Webbs Pride?
Below is a video showing action at the 2012 Championships:
National Barrel Horse Association Youth World Championships Answers
1. What is the place value of the red-coloured digit?
Answer: 6 tenths or .6
2. What is the place value of the number 9 in 14.69?
Answer: 9 Hundredths or .09
3. How much faster was Rylee and Wee Feelin Special than Katherine and Eternal Gold Rush?
Answer: 14.754 – 14.69 = .064. Rylee and Wee Feelin Special were 64 thousandths of a second faster than Katherine and Eternal Gold Rush.
4. What was the difference in time between the 3rd and 4th place finishers?
Answer: 14.818 – 14.79 = .028. The difference in time is 28 thousandths of a second!
5. In either time, what is the place value of the number 1 after the decimal point?
Answer: thousandths
6. How much faster did Shana and Jet N’ Dance complete the course than Austyn and LGR Webbs Pride?
Answer: 15.001 – 14.981 = .02. Shana and Jet N’ Dance finished 2 hundredths of a second faster!
That was a close competition!
Interested in more posts about barrel racing? Click here.
You’ll learn lots more about this exciting sport in the Sports section of the Level 1 workbook due out early in 2014.
IMG_0909 by Marc Aubin; CC BY 2.0
NBHa World Championship Banner; YouTube
GFYRA_6-6-09-1595 by Rob Bixby; CC BY 2.0