What is Normal for a Horse Living Under Optimal Conditions?

Researchers in Australia and New Zealand looked at the central aspects of horse life in determining what should be considered normal for the species. The review team focused in particular on the lives of wild free-roaming horses to gain a better understanding of the impacts of human interventions on the welfare of horses in both…

Horses and Self-Awareness

It is difficult to prove whether horses realize that their own behaviour is the source of the behaviour they are seeing in their reflections. Mirror self-recognition was recently studied in horses by Italian equine behaviourist Paolo Baragl.

How to Keep Your Horse Hydrated During the Winter

Most equine nutritionists consider water to be the most important nutrient because of the various functions it performs. These include regulating body temperature, digestion, absorption, and utilization of nutrients, moving feedstuffs through the digestive tract from mouth to rectum, and removing waste products.