Michigan State University Extension Offers a 15 Week Course in Developing or Maintaining a Successful Equine Based Business

This course is available online. Topics Include: Selecting a form of organization and the required registrations Accounting systems and the recording of income and expenses Income & Expenses considerations Differences between an employee and an independent contractor 1099 requirements New capitalization regulations The effect of the new tax law on horse businesses Differences between a…

Help Name 3 Endangered Przewalski’s Horse Foals

Four endangered Przewalski foals were born at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute earlier this year. The younger three foals are colts and were born March 23, April 30 and May 29. It is the first time in 28 years that SCBI has had that many foals at one time. The foals are thriving and are…

The Physics of Show Jumping

Understanding the basic forces produced by the horse in top level show jumping can help horse owners adapt their training schedule to ensure the horse is not overloaded but progressively trained as well as fully appreciate competition at this level.