Care to Take the USHJA Horsemanship Quiz Stable Challenge?
The online quiz challenge is open to juniors and amateurs and brings barns together as teams to test their horsemanship knowledge for a chance to win great prizes.
The online quiz challenge is open to juniors and amateurs and brings barns together as teams to test their horsemanship knowledge for a chance to win great prizes.
Many of the speakers at a recent symposium — including veterinary geneticists, biologists and paleontologists — challenge the province’s policy of rounding up wild horses to limit the population, saying ‘We should be protecting these horses instead of eradicating them’.
Researchers said many equestrians’ “preconceived ideas” about behaviours they associate with mares, stallions, and geldings could have serious consequences for training and welfare.
Kalispell equestrian event seeks volunteers: Do you live in northwest Montana? Maybe you’d like to volunteer at this year’s Event at Rebecca Farm?
Horses shown how to negotiate an obstacle course to reach a food reward were no better at tackling the simple maze than those who received no human demonstration.
The recent eighth annual 4-H equine career and horse industry tour through Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming and Colorado included 49 4-H teenagers from across Missouri.
A new wearable device allows scientists to take electroencephalogram (EEG) measurements from active, moving horses’ brains in real time, which could help us better understand how horses think and react.
A stride is measured from the place where one leg hits the ground to where it hits the ground again at any pace. When a horse jumps a single pole, it theoretically takes off half a stride before the jump and lands half a stride after the jump.
In a recent study, they recorded and analyzed Przewalski’s horse calls to find out how they express emotions. Then, they compared those findings to similar research conducted with domestic horses and found remarkable similarities as well as differences.
The app is meant to bring the benefits of the sharing economy–think Airbnb, Uber, etc.–to the equestrian world by giving barn owners a way to monetize open stalls while making it easier for those traveling with horses to find a place to stable their mounts.