Horse-Human Cooperation is a Neurobiological Miracle

No one disputes the athleticism required in equestrian events, but few people comprehend the mutual cross-species interaction that is required to accomplish them. Analysis of brain-to-brain communication between horses and humans elicits several new ideas worthy of scientific notice.

How Horses Respond to Voice

Does your horse eagerly whinny when you call to him, or is he silently holding a grudge from last week’s reprimand? A recent study from France shows that horses respond to voice and the complex array of emotions sparked are linked to his past experiences.

Horses’ Perspective at Heart of New Equine Welfare Guidelines

A core group of equine advocates has formed an Equine Well-Being Task Force to educate researchers and others about what it takes to have horses in maximum physical, emotional, and mental health. In creating the new guidelines, the Horses and Humans Research Foundation reviewed numerous national and international Equine Welfare Guidelines, and noted that there…

Stabling Horses is a Human Thing More Than a Horse Thing

It is now fairly widespread knowledge that horses are healthier (physically and mentally) when kept outdoors, so why are most still living in stables? Stabling horses is a human thing more than a horse thing; horses are obliging souls and will usually accept and adapt to less-than-ideal living situations, even if it negatively affects their…

The Importance of Equine Sensory Hairs

One horse sensory organ that’s often overlooked is vibrissae, better known as whiskers. These long hairs on the muzzle and around the eyes are useful sense elements for horses, but many riders trim them for a tidier appearance. While horses can survive without their vibrissae, the trimming of them is starting to be seen as…

9 Signs of Depression in Horses

Horses can develop forms of depression. In this article, equine vet Gil Riley explains some common signs of depression in horses that owners should keep an eye out for, some of which will be similar to symptoms of depression in humans.

Study Connects Piaffe’s Ground Force Reaction to Balance

To better understand the piaffe and its effects on a horse’s biomechanics, researchers teamed up to investigate the ground reaction forces of elite dressage horses performing the movement over pressure plates. Although forces varied from horse to horse—likely indicating different training techniques—and stride to stride, overall, the researchers found horses in piaffe adjust the ground…